Accept others.
Be yourself.
Cherish the people and time you have.
Dare to dream.
Every day is a new day.
Finish what you start.
Give all that you can.
Help those in need.
Inspire others.
Juggle many activities at once.
Keep moving forward.
Learn something new every day.
Manage you time wisely.
Never give up.
Originality is a good thing.
Prioritize major things.
Quitters never win.
Respect everyone.
Stop trying to be exactly like everyone else.
Treat others like you want to be treated.
Use your natural gifts.
Volunteer your time to help others.
Wisdom is very helpful in decision making.
X out all the negativity in your life.
You determine your destiny.
Zillions of people are in this world, don't get hung up on one of them.
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